
Kuno Patent Law Firm is a Patent Attorney's Office in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture.
■ Handling fields: Patents, Utility Models, Designs, Trademarks
■ Technical field: Daily necessities / chemistry / machinery
■ Reliable and convincing remuneration system based on market prices
■ Free Consultation and Quotation
Firm Profile
【Firm Name】
Kuno Patent Law Firm
18-5, Takaginishi-machi, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 663-8032, JAPAN
1) TEL / FAX 81-798-64-1856
2) E-Mail kunopat@outlook.jp
【business hours】
【Regular holiday】
Weekdays: 9: 30-17: 30
Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays
Patent Attorney Yoshihiro Kuno(No.20150)
・Japan Patent Attorneys Association(JPAA)

・Japan Patent Attorneys Association Kansaikai Association Patent Counselor
Graduated from Konan University Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
Patent law Firms ( Patent Engineer・Patent Attorney )
【Technical Field】
Chemistry / Machinery/ Daily necessities
[Handling business]
The following business related to Patents, Utility models, Designs, and Trademarks
・Office Action
・Domestic and Foreign Applications
・Filling an Appeal
・ADR(Alternative Dispute Resolution)
Customer's Voice
Company N
Patent number 6875653
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5.0
We recommend that you give a polite explanation and point out kindly and clearly in response to the applicant's request.
★ 特許公報が紹介されているページは下記ボタンをクリックするとご覧になれます。
森整形外科医院(西宮市) 様
Q 発明品を完成するに至った動機、特許出願に至った経緯をお聞かせください。
A 普段の診療の中で、肩こりの患者さんに特にストレートネックの方が多く、しかも起床時から肩こり症状がある人が多いことに気づきました。そのような患者さんに対し、数年前からタオルを利用した枕の作り方を指導しておりましたが、どなたでも合うものではなかったため、この度製作に至りました。完成品はタオル枕より格段に心地よく、強い症状にも対応できるものであったため特許出願をお願いいたしました。
Q 弊所ご依頼後、審査を経て特許査定に至るまでのご感想をお聞かせください。
A 審査官が厳しく心配いたしましたが、無事特許査定となり大変嬉しく思います。
★ 特許公報が紹介されているページは下記ボタンをクリックするとご覧になれます。
G社 様
★ 特許公報が紹介されているページは下記ボタンをクリックするとご覧になれます。
K 様
★ 特許公報が紹介されているページは下記ボタンをクリックするとご覧になれます。
Company U
Utility Model registration number 3231826
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5.0
We had you meet several times and responded very kindly and politely.
We are very grateful for responding to cost requests.
We would like to continue to consult with you in various ways.
We are grateful for your prompt response to the request for an interview. The request was the first field for us, so I was worried at first, but we received it very quickly and carefully.
We will continue to consult with you regarding future projects.
thank you.
Company T
Design registration number 1695000
★ ★ ★ ★ 4.0
After contacting us by phone, we immediately came to the office, explained, had a meeting, and prepared the application documents after the fact, even though it was during the year-end and New Year holidays, we were able to deal with it quickly. I was unfamiliar with such an application, and we had a first-time relationship with each other, but they kindly responded and the cost was clear.
Design registration number 1685514
Design registration number 1688325
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5.0
I was very kind to consult with you, and I was able to successfully register the design!
It was my first time, so I left it all to me.
Company B
Design registration number 1685406
Design registration number 1685407
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5.0
Thank you for your prompt and courteous response. I was able to successfully register the design. Thank you very much.
Trade Mark registration number 6444993
I was saved by the prompt response. Thank you for politely telling me what you don't understand. I would appreciate your favor if there is anything else.